Kittens. Probably the sole proof of the existance of a deity.
'What does Crustimoney Proseedcake mean?’ said Pooh.
'For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me.'
'It means the Thing to Do.'
'As long as it means that, I don’t mind,' said Pooh humbly.
C|net, usually restricted in their titles, have given their short review of "Titan Quest" the following headline: "PC game lets players rewrite mythology".
Now this may come as no surprise to anyone who knows my view of things, but otherwise this article regarding the process of understanding releases an
Found an excellent Warren Ellis interview considering the new Desolation Jones series he's writing, and about his collaboration with new artist, Danijel Zezelj. He gets pretty Warren Ellis in it, which is always good.
Probably the most insane dialog this side of madness:
Old Chinese lady: Ex-see-cus-see me.
Old Chinese lady: Ex-see-cus-see me!
Gangsta: Man, what are you excusing me about? Fuck you!
Old Chinese lady: Fuck me? Ok, take-a off the pant.
Stairway in silence.
Old Chinese lady: Ex-see-cus-see me!
Gangsta: Sure thing, ma'am. I'm sorry.
Chinese kid: And that's why we respect our elders.
--Canal St station
If anyone follows the latest XboX360 news, then the story about Microsoft marketing yokel, one Peter Moore claiming "Nobody cares about backwards compatibility" must have made some ripples in your personal pond.
I've recently visited Mozilla's site, where I found a link to "Firefox Flicks", which, if memory serves me right, was a contest where users created and submitted home-made commercials.
Not BASIC, mind you.